Thank you for visiting our website. As an educational accreditation organization, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with us and our educational information. We at ACHEA are very proud of our long and prestigious, rich history.

The fact that we have literally set the standards in higher education in this country for 150 years through our research, publications, conferences, and partnerships,makes us the leader in this effort. We look forward to the next 100 years to the improvement of higher education which has come a long way, but has a long way to go, and is ever changing.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: For an accredited institution to be considered in good standing and valid, the affiliate MUST have a current year accreditation certificate posted on the institutions website. NOT to be confused with a membership certificate.

Membership and accreditation are two totally different recognitions. Membership levels are for any type organization or institution, as Accreditation is a lengthy and detailed process that can take from a few months to two years or longer. Our accreditation process has been used by traditional schools as a preparation for traditional type accreditation. It is quite similar in content and rigor, and has been patterned to that of ACHEA / DOE type guidelines.

Being a member in no way implies that an institution has passed the stringent qualifications and guidelines pertaining to Accreditation. ACHEA can also be of assistance to help you qualify for traditional type accreditation that is recognized by the ACHEA. We have qualified members and partnerships from the traditional sector to assist in business, educational and academic type consulting services.

Greetings: American Council on Higher Education and Federal Government Accreditation, ACHEA), is one of the oldest associations in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education. The ACHEA has maintained continuous ties to the original ACHEA incorporation that was founded in 1960, and is still working under the same 501-C3 Non-Profit Organizational Charter.. This statement can be verified by the United States Government as well as the IRS. The papers are on file at our office for anyone interested in perusing the official documents.

Under totally new management and Board of Directors for 2024, the ACHEA continues to be of service to members of the academic community, and has now expanded to include religious, specialty school & foreign validation and accreditation. ACHEA specializes in programs that do not fit the criteria of traditional accrediting agencies.

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